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# Announce

The $announcer is available on the property injected into the Vue instance, so it is available everywhere in your application. With it it is possible to announce any necessary information and in real time to a person with a screen reader.

# Methods

# $announcer.set(message, politiness)

The $announcer.set method is directly responsible for making changes to the announcer.

Argument Type Description
message String Text to be announced.
politiness String Defines the priority of how updates will be handled. (read more about live regions)
      show error
    <div class="msg-error">
      {{ errorMessage }}

export default {
  name: '...',
  data () {
    return {
      errorMessage: null
  methods: {
    notify () {
      this.errorMessage = 'It\'s error message'
      this.$announcer.set(this.errorMessage, 'assertive')

# $announcer.polite(message)

The $announcer.polite is a wrapper of the "set" method that defines the politeness setting as polite

// e.g.

# $announcer.assertive(message)

The $announcer.assertive is a wrapper of the "set" method that defines the politeness setting as assertive

// e.g.

Learn more about the politeness settings and when to use.

Announce | Vue announcer for Vue 2 has loaded